Our Employees
The most valuable resource we have at ORC Industries are the men and women whom we employ. This is not simply a “good idea”, but the guiding principle in ORC’s mission itself.
Our mission is to provide employment to people with disabilities. By doing so,

we help instill a sense of pride, community, accomplishment, a stronger sense of self-worth, financial independence, and a set of job skills and behavioral skills that ultimately serves not only our Customers, but future employers in the community at large.
We have a strong investment in each and every employee. From vocational services specialists to ORC’s two state-of-the-art employee Wellness Centers at a cost of over a million dollars each, ORC Industries is committed to the well-being, personal and professional growth of each employee.
ORC Vocational Services
Facilitating The Mission Of ORC
To accomplish the positive esteem associated with self-sufficiency, ORC’s Vocational Services staff assists employees with training and support to perform work tasks that are within the employee’s abilities. ORC staff is trained to concentrate on an employee’s abilities while being aware of their individual limitations.
Each participating employee with disabilities is provided with individualized skills training, work task guidance, and adherence to work (employment) rules. The employee is also incorporated into an industrial or manufacturing environment by becoming familiar with work breaks, lunch breaks, clocking in and out, maintaining their own production rates, and the like. Based on individual abilities and limitations, the end goal is to provide a service and support structure that may eventually assist an employee with disabilities in obtaining competitive employment.
Job Development and Placement
Job development and placement into competitive employment in the community is an area that ORC is particularly proud of. Unlike many social service agencies which receive funding to assist clients with these services, ORC Industries takes this process to the next level. We believe that our employees with disabilities should be given the opportunity to move on to other jobs in the community if they are interested.
If an employee has the potential to succeed in competitive community employment, ORC staff will go the extra mile and use the company’s resources to make it happen. This process manifests itself through a variety of ways, depending upon the specific needs and desires of the employee. Employee development could include workplace behavior skill instruction, social skill development, job interviewing behavior, resume’ preparation, and assistance throughout the job search process.